Entendendo as coisas: Nós e Amarrações - Nós Básicos / Understanding things: Knot and Moorings - Knot Basics
O melhor meio de se aprender a fazer um nó é sem dúvida ter alguém que saiba fazê-lo e que possa nos ensinar. Como isso nem sempre é possíveis, outra opção é observando as pessoas que sabem ou recorrer a livros específicos, o que para muitas pessoas nem sempre é sinal de facilidade. O importante é aprender sobre o nó, familiarizar-se com a nomenclatura utilizada e praticar.
Aqui dividiremos os tipos de nós em nós de trabalho e nós decorativos, que particularmente gosto muito.
No Brasil, quando nos referimos a nós, de uma forma direta, isso subentende qualquer tipo de nó, indiferentemente. Entretanto, devemos considerar que existem nós para varias finalidades e em idiomas estrangeiros existem nomes distintos para as distintas finalidades de uma amarração.
Nomes e Usos dos Nós
Os nomes e usos dos nós não seguem uma regra fixa, principalmente no que tange ao seu uso.
O Nó Único, assim como o Meio-nó, conforme sua aplicação, podem transformar-se em Nó Superior e suas funções são bem distintas entre si. Quanto à aplicação, vários nós diferentes entre si podem exercer a mesma função e sendo semelhantes na sua realização, poderão ser usados indistintamente.
O Nó Único, assim como o Meio-nó, conforme sua aplicação, podem transformar-se em Nó Superior e suas funções são bem distintas entre si. Quanto à aplicação, vários nós diferentes entre si podem exercer a mesma função e sendo semelhantes na sua realização, poderão ser usados indistintamente.
Deve-se manter atento no tipo de corda o nó será executado, alguns nós não são recomendados para cordas com fibras naturais pois não se ajustam devidamente.
É importante conhecer mais de dois nós semelhantes, para que se possa aplicar aquele que se recordar mais facilmente.
Para o leigo, um pedaço de corda, visto de ponta a ponta é um pedaço de corda, no entanto para a pessoa que trabalha com a mesma, tem uma visão diferente da "anatomia", nomeando suas partes com termos próprios para que possam ser facilmente reconhecidos quando solicitada, verbalmente, alguma ação.
Quando realizamos um nó, é interessante observar que apensa uma ponta da corda se movimenta, enquanto a outra permanece fixa, a esta ponta móvel damos o nome de Ponta de Trabalho. Chamemos de Espaço de Trabalho à parte da corda que esta diretamente ligada à ponta de trabalho, ou seja, a porção utilizada da corda para a execução do nó.
A LAÇADA é a primeira forma básica de um nó. Torcendo a laçada para cima, de forma a fazer com que suas pernas se cruzem, convertemo-la em uma VOLTA, sendo esta a segunda forma básica.
* LAÇADA: chamaremos de laçada uma curva pronunciada e que esteja localizada entre duas partes ou pontas de trabalho e fixa da corda.
* VOLTA: Uma volta é uma laçada com pontas cruzadas.
* NÓ ÚNICO: O nó único é, em geral, montado em torno de algum objeto, incorporando pontos de pressão ou fricção.
* MEIO-NÓ: O meio-nó é o único executado em torno de sua própria parte fixa.
* NÓ SUPERIOR: É uma volta com a ponta de trabalho cruzada através de sua parte fixa.
Todo nó deve apresentar algumas qualidades inquestionáveis:
- Ser de fácil Execução;
- Apresentar resistência quando submetido à tração;
- Ser de fácil Soltura;
No montanhismo existem alguns nós que são podem ser empregados em quase todos os eventos. No entanto nada substitui o constante aprendizado e atualização de meios mais seguros e/ou adequados para os empregos dos nós.
Os nós de parada tem varias aplicações uteis, sendo um bom exemplo os nós que as costureiras executam no final da linha para firmá-la sob o tecido enquanto costuram. Sendo vários os nós passiveis de tal utilização, apresento alguns:



NÓ DE PARADA: O nó de parada propriamente dito é um nó em forma de oito que recebe adicionalmente um iro na ponta de trabalho numa das laçadas formadas pela ponta fixa da corda.
NÓ de ESTIVADOR: Semelhante ao nó de parada, este nó, partindo de um nó em forma de oito, recebe um duplo giro na ponta de trabalho na laçada formada sobre a parte fixa da corda.

NÓ SUPERIOR TRIPLO: De forma análoga ao Nó Superior Duplo, este é realizado com um giro triplo.
Muitas vezes uma corda pode se romper sob uma pressão inferior á que os fabricantes garantem na apresentação do produto; isso não significa em absoluto que a corda não tenha realmente a resistência indicada, mas que provavelmente foi empregada de maneira incorreta.
Normalmente, para trabalhos comuns, não nos preocupamos muito em saber se a corda é ou não adequada e apenas nos guiamos pela ideia se vamos prender um barco no ancoradouro ou trocar o cordão de uma cortina. Obviamente, o instinto é que faz a distinção, quando não a lógica. No entanto alpinistas, bombeiros, marinheiros e outros profissionais cuja segurança depende da resistência das cordas, não usam a lógica ou instinto na escolha do material, escolhem as que possuem maior resistência que o mínimo necessário.
Cordas de fibras vegetais são mais fracas do que as de fibras sintéticas, curiosamente as de fibras naturais mais novas podem ser menos resistentes do que aquelas feitas anos atrás. Esta resistência se reduz à metade quando molhadas e, com relação ao peso, sua resistência diminui proporcionalmente, quando mais pesada menos resistente.
Cordas de fibras sintéticas são mais fortes e leves, não absorvem umidade e sua resistência à ruptura permanece a mesma quando molhadas.
A desvantagem é que se deterioram mais rapidamente em altas temperaturas e chegam a derreter:
NYLON: 250ºC
Para maior conservação da vida útil das cordas, evite arrasta-las em superfícies de atrito, áreas ásperas e afiadas, ou sobre superfícies onde se acumule sujeira e areia, que penetram nos fios rompendo inúmeros filamentos individuais. O resultado, seu enfraquecimento disperso em varias áreas da corda.
Inspecione-a periodicamente, lavando quando necessário com agua corrente, retirando resíduos de areia, óleos e outros materiais. Evite pisar e forçar com dobras rígidas.
Uma corda sempre perde resistência com os nós, logicamente uma corda sem emendas é mais segura e resistente quando comparada à outra. Uma dobra mais aguçada, a maior pressão nos pontos de cruzamentos, a tensão de um nó e outras circunstancias poderão facilitar o rompimento da corda, e se isso ocorrer será imediatamente do lado de fora do nó.
Muitos nós, tradicionalmente aceitos, são surpreendentemente perniciosos, conforme a característica da corda sobre a qual são executados. Dessa forma o nó deve ser escolhido com cuidado, razão pela qual é recomendável o conhecimento de vários deles. Alpinistas usam nós volumosos e com muitas voltas, destinadas a absorver pressões e prevenir enfraquecimento desnecessário nas cordas de náilon.
Naturalmente que a resistência de um nó não se restringe unicamente à sua aplicação nos processos de escalada ou pescaria. Um motorista, por exemplo, precisa estar seguro de que sua carga coloca sobre o carro não irá cair na estrada.
Teoricamente os entrelaçamentos são mais fortes que os nós e deverão ser usados, de preferencia, sempre que possível; em equipamentos para içar cargas use entrelaçamentos e não nós. A resistência dos entrelaçamentos podem chegar a 90%, ficando bastante reduzida sua ineficácia; embora sejam mais trabalhosos e limitantes ao tipo de corda, provocando o retorcimento e provável enfraquecimento, em caso de dúvida procure informações a respeito do material a ser empregado.
Resistencia e segurança não são a mesma coisa. Nem sempre um nó resistente é um nó seguro. Nós que se comportam muito bem sob uma carga inerte podem facilmente escorregar, transformar-se ou vir a desfazer-se quando submetidos a movimentos e pressões variadas, como puxões dirigidos de pontos diversos, sendo neste caso fortes e resistentes não são seguros.
Selecionar o melhor nó para o trabalho em questão é uma coisa delicada, assim é aconselhável que se realize experiências com os nós antes de arriscar-se a emprega-los em definitivo.


CATAU: Utiliza-se para diminuir o comprimento de
uma corda sem cortá-la. Serve também para isolar
alguma área danificada sem deixá-la sob tensão.

NÓ de ESCOTA ALCEADO: Mesma função do Escota, só que mais fácil de ser desatado. Conhecido também como nó Bandeira, serve para prender as mesmas na adriça

Com uma execução semelhante ao modelo anterior, adicionando mais uma volta, torna o nó bem robusto e seguro, sendo importante o arremate em sua ponta de trabalho.
BOLINA EM UMA CURVA: Num caso urgente de salvamento ou de apoio, quando não se pode perder tempo em busca de um recurso mais elaborado, a bolina feita numa curva da corda exerce a função de uma cadeira.
Muito semelhante ao nó de pescador (II), o nó é exatamente isso mesmo o que o nome diz uma volta completa arrematada por dois meios-nós. Este nó é executado em torno de um objeto, podendo ser uma estaca, um mastro ou mesmo uma argola, em resumo, em qualquer suporte, sendo um no seguro, fácil de ser executado e desfeito.
NÓ VOLTA DO FIEL / de AJUSTE / UIAA: Nó inicial ou final em amarras. Não corre lateralmente e suporta bem as tensões. Permite amarrar a corda a um ponto fixo.

NÓ INGLÊS: Um dos mais seguros e simples nós de união das pontas de duas cordas, compondo-se de dois nós simples em cada corda. À parte de seu volume, que é uma desvantagem inerente a todos os nós de união, este pode tornar-se difícil de desfazer depois de fortemente atado.
The best way to learn how to make a node is no doubt having someone who knows it and can teach us. As this is not always possible, another option is watching the people who know or use specific books, which for many people is not always a sign of ease. The important thing is to learn about the node, become familiar with the nomenclature and practice.
Here we divide the types of work in us and decorative knots, which I like very much.
In Brazil, when we refer to in a direct way, that implies any kind of node, regardless. However, we must consider that we exist for various purposes and in foreign languages there are different names for different purposes of a mooring.
Names and Uses of Nodes
The names and uses of us do not follow a fixed rule, especially in regard to its use. Single Node, as well as the Mid-node as its application may become a node Superior and their functions are quite distinct from each other. Concerning the application, several different nodes together can perform the same function and are similar in their execution, may be used interchangeably.
You should keep an eye on the kind of rope will run the node, some nodes are not recommended for natural fiber rope because it fit properly.
It is important to know more similar than two nodes, so you can apply that you remember more easily.
To the layman, a piece of string, as seen from end to end is a piece of string, however for the person who deals with it, has a different view of the "anatomy", naming its parts with proper terms so they can be easily recognized when requested, verbally, some action.
When observing a node, it is interesting to note that attached one end of the rope moves, while the other remains fixed to this end we call the mobile tip of Labor. Call Workspace apart from the rope that is directly connected to the end of work, ie, the portion of the rope used for the implementation of the node.
The LOOP is the first basic shape of a node. Cheering up the loop in order to make your legs cross, we become one in her BACK, and this is the second basic form.
Every node should have some undeniable qualities:
* Be easy to Execution;
* Present resistance under strain;
* Be easy to Loosening;
In the mountain there are some nodes that can be employed in almost all events. However nothing can replace the constant learning and upgrading of facilities safer and / or appropriate for the jobs of us.
The stop we have several useful applications, being a good example to us that the sewers running down the line to secure it under the fabric while stitching. As a number of passive nodes of such use, I present a few:
TOP KNOT SINGLE: Being the fastest and easy to implement the nodes, when used in synthetic material tends to loosen and break up automatically, and should remain aware of their use.
EIGHT KNOT in / FLAMINGO: Used to prevent unraveling of the end of a rope. Also used by mountaineers to join two ropes.
KNOT STOP: Stop The node itself is a figure-eight knot which receives an additional tip iro working in one of the loops formed by the tip of the fixed rope.
LOADING NODE: Similar to the stop node, this node, from a figure-eight knot, get a double turn at the end of work in the loop formed on the fixed rope.
SUPERIOR DOUBLE KNOT: As the name suggests will be the top node with the simple addition of a spin on the tips of employment, such training after the node automatically rotates when tensioned by adjusting the ends.
SUPERIOR TRIPLE KNOT: Analogous to the Node Superior Room, this is accomplished with a spin triple.
Often a rope could break under a lower pressure will ensure that manufacturers in product presentation, it hardly means that the rope has not really shown the strength, but that probably was used incorrectly.
Typically, to work together, do not worry much about whether the rope is adequate and we are guided by the idea only if we hold a boat at anchor or replace the cord of a curtain. Obviously, the instinct is what makes the distinction, if not logic. However climbers, firemen, sailors and other professionals whose security depends on the resistance of the strings, do not use logic or instinct in choosing the material, choose those that have greater resistance than the minimum required.
Strings of vegetable fibers are weaker than those of synthetic fibers, natural fibers curiously younger may be less resistant than those made years ago. This resistance is reduced by half when wet and, with respect to weight, their resistance decreases proportionally heavier when less resistant.
Synthetic fiber ropes are stronger and lighter, does not absorb moisture and its tensile strength remains the same when wet.
The disadvantage is that they deteriorate more quickly at high temperatures to melt and get:
NYLON: 250 º C
For better conservation of the useful life of the ropes, drag them to avoid friction surfaces, sharp and rough areas, or on surfaces where they accumulate dirt and sand, which penetrate the wire breaking many individual filaments. The result, weakening their scattered in various areas of the rope.
Inspect it periodically, when needed washing with running water, removing waste sand, oils and other materials. Avoid stepping in and forcing rigid folds.
A rope loses strength always with us, logically one seamless rope is more secure and resistant when compared to the other. A fold sharper, more pressure on the crossing points, the voltage of a node and other circumstances may facilitate the breaking of the rope, and if this occurs will be immediately outside the node.
Many of us, traditionally accepted, they are surprisingly pernicious as the characteristic of the rope on which they run. Thus the node must be chosen carefully, so it is recommended that the knowledge of several of them. Climbers use knots and bulky with lots of turns, designed to absorb pressure and prevent unnecessary weakening the nylon strings.
Naturally, the resistance of a node is not restricted solely to its application in the process of climbing or fishing. A driver, for example, need to be sure that the load placed on the car will not hit the road.
Theoretically, the twists are stronger than us and should be used, preferably, where possible, to use equipment to hoist loads twists and not us. The resistance of entanglements can reach 90%, being significantly reduced their inefficiency, although more cumbersome and limiting the type of rope, causing the kink and likely weakening in the case of doubt seek information about the material to be used.
Strength and security are not the same thing. Not always a tough knot is a secure knot. We who misbehave under an inert filler can easily slip, become or will crumble when subjected to movements and pressures, such as pulling directed several points in this case is strong and tough are not safe.
Select the best node for the job in question is a delicate thing, so it is advisable to perform experiments with us before venturing to employ them permanently.
NODE BOLIN / LAIS GUIDE: Term nautical bowline loop is a strong and safe and may be executed with the end or the middle of the rope, joining ends of two ropes or just the tips of the same rope. We can say that lais guide is nothing more than a node involvement.
Sheepshank: Used to decrease the length of
a rope without cutting it. It also serves to isolate
any damaged area without letting her live.
SLIDING KNOT for: to make a loop in the rope slide.
KNOT RIGHT SINGLE: Used to join two cables with the same thickness.
ELK KNOT RIGHT: How the Right Single Node serves to join two cables with the same thickness, but has a handle that unties the knot when pulled. It is usually done when the node law is not permanent and will need to be undone later.
Becket ELK: Same function of Scouting, but more easy to be untied. Also known as the node flag, serves to hold the same in halyard
Becket / NODE INVOLVEMENT of SIMPLE: One of the most simple, widely used on natural fiber ropes, the knot tends to slip when used on nylon ropes. Suitable for light work, without great pressure and non permanent.
Becket / NO INVOLVEMENT DOUBLE: With performance similar to a previous model by adding one more turn, makes the most robust and secure knot, and finish the important work at its tip.
BOLIN ON A CURVE: In case of an emergency rescue or support, when you can not waste time searching for a more elaborate, made a turn to windward of the string serves as a chair.
KNOT BACK COMPLETE: Very similar to Fisherman's knot (II), the node is exactly the same as the name says a complete turn topped by two half-knots. This node runs around an object, may be a stake, a pole or even a ring, in short, whatever the medium, being in a safe, easily performed and undone.
KNOT AROUND THE FAITHFUL / ADJUSTMENT / UIAA: Node start or end in ties. Runs laterally and not tolerate stress. Lets tie the rope to a fixed point.
In English: One of the most secure and simple nodes union of the ends of two ropes, and is composed of two simple knots in each rope. Aside from its volume, which is a disadvantage inherent to all of us union, this may become difficult to undo once strongly tied.
HARNESS KNOT: Used to make a fixed loop in the middle of a rope without the use of tips.

The best way to learn how to make a node is no doubt having someone who knows it and can teach us. As this is not always possible, another option is watching the people who know or use specific books, which for many people is not always a sign of ease. The important thing is to learn about the node, become familiar with the nomenclature and practice.
Here we divide the types of work in us and decorative knots, which I like very much.
In Brazil, when we refer to in a direct way, that implies any kind of node, regardless. However, we must consider that we exist for various purposes and in foreign languages there are different names for different purposes of a mooring.
Names and Uses of Nodes
The names and uses of us do not follow a fixed rule, especially in regard to its use. Single Node, as well as the Mid-node as its application may become a node Superior and their functions are quite distinct from each other. Concerning the application, several different nodes together can perform the same function and are similar in their execution, may be used interchangeably.
You should keep an eye on the kind of rope will run the node, some nodes are not recommended for natural fiber rope because it fit properly.
It is important to know more similar than two nodes, so you can apply that you remember more easily.
To the layman, a piece of string, as seen from end to end is a piece of string, however for the person who deals with it, has a different view of the "anatomy", naming its parts with proper terms so they can be easily recognized when requested, verbally, some action.
When observing a node, it is interesting to note that attached one end of the rope moves, while the other remains fixed to this end we call the mobile tip of Labor. Call Workspace apart from the rope that is directly connected to the end of work, ie, the portion of the rope used for the implementation of the node.
The LOOP is the first basic shape of a node. Cheering up the loop in order to make your legs cross, we become one in her BACK, and this is the second basic form.
* LOOP: loop will call a pronounced curve and is located between two parts or labor and fixed ends of the rope.
* BACK: A revolution is a loop with ends crossed.
* SINGLE KNOT: The single node is usually built around some object, incorporating pressure points or friction.
* HALF-KNOT: A half-node is the only run around their own fixed part.
* TOP KNOT: This is a back with the tip of working through his cross-party fixes.
* BACK: A revolution is a loop with ends crossed.
* SINGLE KNOT: The single node is usually built around some object, incorporating pressure points or friction.
* HALF-KNOT: A half-node is the only run around their own fixed part.
* TOP KNOT: This is a back with the tip of working through his cross-party fixes.
Every node should have some undeniable qualities:
* Be easy to Execution;
* Present resistance under strain;
* Be easy to Loosening;
In the mountain there are some nodes that can be employed in almost all events. However nothing can replace the constant learning and upgrading of facilities safer and / or appropriate for the jobs of us.
The stop we have several useful applications, being a good example to us that the sewers running down the line to secure it under the fabric while stitching. As a number of passive nodes of such use, I present a few:
TOP KNOT SINGLE: Being the fastest and easy to implement the nodes, when used in synthetic material tends to loosen and break up automatically, and should remain aware of their use.
EIGHT KNOT in / FLAMINGO: Used to prevent unraveling of the end of a rope. Also used by mountaineers to join two ropes.
KNOT STOP: Stop The node itself is a figure-eight knot which receives an additional tip iro working in one of the loops formed by the tip of the fixed rope.
LOADING NODE: Similar to the stop node, this node, from a figure-eight knot, get a double turn at the end of work in the loop formed on the fixed rope.
SUPERIOR DOUBLE KNOT: As the name suggests will be the top node with the simple addition of a spin on the tips of employment, such training after the node automatically rotates when tensioned by adjusting the ends.
SUPERIOR TRIPLE KNOT: Analogous to the Node Superior Room, this is accomplished with a spin triple.
Often a rope could break under a lower pressure will ensure that manufacturers in product presentation, it hardly means that the rope has not really shown the strength, but that probably was used incorrectly.
Typically, to work together, do not worry much about whether the rope is adequate and we are guided by the idea only if we hold a boat at anchor or replace the cord of a curtain. Obviously, the instinct is what makes the distinction, if not logic. However climbers, firemen, sailors and other professionals whose security depends on the resistance of the strings, do not use logic or instinct in choosing the material, choose those that have greater resistance than the minimum required.
Strings of vegetable fibers are weaker than those of synthetic fibers, natural fibers curiously younger may be less resistant than those made years ago. This resistance is reduced by half when wet and, with respect to weight, their resistance decreases proportionally heavier when less resistant.
Synthetic fiber ropes are stronger and lighter, does not absorb moisture and its tensile strength remains the same when wet.
The disadvantage is that they deteriorate more quickly at high temperatures to melt and get:
NYLON: 250 º C
For better conservation of the useful life of the ropes, drag them to avoid friction surfaces, sharp and rough areas, or on surfaces where they accumulate dirt and sand, which penetrate the wire breaking many individual filaments. The result, weakening their scattered in various areas of the rope.
Inspect it periodically, when needed washing with running water, removing waste sand, oils and other materials. Avoid stepping in and forcing rigid folds.
A rope loses strength always with us, logically one seamless rope is more secure and resistant when compared to the other. A fold sharper, more pressure on the crossing points, the voltage of a node and other circumstances may facilitate the breaking of the rope, and if this occurs will be immediately outside the node.
Many of us, traditionally accepted, they are surprisingly pernicious as the characteristic of the rope on which they run. Thus the node must be chosen carefully, so it is recommended that the knowledge of several of them. Climbers use knots and bulky with lots of turns, designed to absorb pressure and prevent unnecessary weakening the nylon strings.
Naturally, the resistance of a node is not restricted solely to its application in the process of climbing or fishing. A driver, for example, need to be sure that the load placed on the car will not hit the road.
Theoretically, the twists are stronger than us and should be used, preferably, where possible, to use equipment to hoist loads twists and not us. The resistance of entanglements can reach 90%, being significantly reduced their inefficiency, although more cumbersome and limiting the type of rope, causing the kink and likely weakening in the case of doubt seek information about the material to be used.
Strength and security are not the same thing. Not always a tough knot is a secure knot. We who misbehave under an inert filler can easily slip, become or will crumble when subjected to movements and pressures, such as pulling directed several points in this case is strong and tough are not safe.
Select the best node for the job in question is a delicate thing, so it is advisable to perform experiments with us before venturing to employ them permanently.
NODE BOLIN / LAIS GUIDE: Term nautical bowline loop is a strong and safe and may be executed with the end or the middle of the rope, joining ends of two ropes or just the tips of the same rope. We can say that lais guide is nothing more than a node involvement.
Sheepshank: Used to decrease the length of
a rope without cutting it. It also serves to isolate
any damaged area without letting her live.
SLIDING KNOT for: to make a loop in the rope slide.
KNOT RIGHT SINGLE: Used to join two cables with the same thickness.
ELK KNOT RIGHT: How the Right Single Node serves to join two cables with the same thickness, but has a handle that unties the knot when pulled. It is usually done when the node law is not permanent and will need to be undone later.
Becket ELK: Same function of Scouting, but more easy to be untied. Also known as the node flag, serves to hold the same in halyard
Becket / NODE INVOLVEMENT of SIMPLE: One of the most simple, widely used on natural fiber ropes, the knot tends to slip when used on nylon ropes. Suitable for light work, without great pressure and non permanent.
Becket / NO INVOLVEMENT DOUBLE: With performance similar to a previous model by adding one more turn, makes the most robust and secure knot, and finish the important work at its tip.
BOLIN ON A CURVE: In case of an emergency rescue or support, when you can not waste time searching for a more elaborate, made a turn to windward of the string serves as a chair.
KNOT BACK COMPLETE: Very similar to Fisherman's knot (II), the node is exactly the same as the name says a complete turn topped by two half-knots. This node runs around an object, may be a stake, a pole or even a ring, in short, whatever the medium, being in a safe, easily performed and undone.
KNOT AROUND THE FAITHFUL / ADJUSTMENT / UIAA: Node start or end in ties. Runs laterally and not tolerate stress. Lets tie the rope to a fixed point.
In English: One of the most secure and simple nodes union of the ends of two ropes, and is composed of two simple knots in each rope. Aside from its volume, which is a disadvantage inherent to all of us union, this may become difficult to undo once strongly tied.
HARNESS KNOT: Used to make a fixed loop in the middle of a rope without the use of tips.

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